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Query on No. of IIS server needed for SharePoint integration

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi Team,

We currently have only one environment for SharePoint Online, which is the production environment. For testing purposes, dummy sites and groups will be created within the production SharePoint.

Could you please confirm if we only need one server for the IIS installation, or if it's possible to use two servers to separate UAT and production? If we can use two servers, where should the segregation be configured?



for on-premises SharePoint, using two servers for UAT and production environments can help maintain a clean separation between testing and live data. For SharePoint Online, you can use different site collections or subsites for testing purposes without needing to manage server infrastructure directly.

Rushikesh Vartak
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hi @rushikeshvartakTo segregate UAT and Production environments on a single server, what steps should be taken? For instance, should we create separate application pools for UAT and Production, use different installation paths, and have distinct web.config files? Additionally, is it necessary to have separate applications in Azure AD and SharePoint service principals for each environment?

1. Separate Application Pools

  • Create Separate Application Pools: Yes, you should create separate application pools for UAT and Production. This ensures that each environment runs under its own worker process, minimizing the risk of one environment affecting the other.
  • Resource Allocation: Assign different levels of resources (e.g., CPU, memory) to the UAT and Production application pools based on the needs of each environment.

2. Different Installation Paths

  • Use Different Installation Paths: Install the UAT and Production applications in different directories on the server. This ensures that files for one environment do not interfere with the other.
  • Configuration Management: Ensure that each environment has its own configuration files (e.g., web.config for .NET applications), allowing for environment-specific settings.

3. Distinct Configuration Files

  • Web.config Files: Yes, have distinct web.config files for UAT and Production. This allows you to configure different settings like connection strings, API endpoints, and other environment-specific configurations.
  • Configuration Transformation: Use configuration transformation (e.g., web.UAT.config and web.Production.config) to manage environment-specific settings easily.

4. Separate Applications in Azure AD and SharePoint

  • Azure AD: It is recommended to have separate Azure AD applications (service principals) for UAT and Production. This allows you to manage different sets of credentials, permissions, and redirect URIs for each environment, ensuring that UAT testing does not impact production operations.
  • SharePoint Service Principals: Similarly, create separate SharePoint service principals for UAT and Production. This ensures that your UAT environment can use its own set of permissions, which might differ from those required in production.

Rushikesh Vartak
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