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Queries regarding emergency access roles

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I have few below queries regarding emergency access roles,

We need a way to limit the emergency access to one role per request per person,

How use a request counter in workflow if-else to count the number of roles requested by user, and if number of roles requested are more than 1, then request to be rejected with warning

How to use dynamic attribute to check if user already has an AD group, and if group present, then the role request should be auto-approved if not present then request will follow normal approval process.


Thanks in advance.


  • Currently blocking is not supported please raise idea ticket

Rushikesh Vartak
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Thanks, Rushikesh, for your reply.

As per my understanding, you mean to say like that we can't limit the one role per request per person,

what about other two options?

1. Can we use a request counter in workflow if-else to count the number of roles requested by user, and if number of roles requested are more than 1, then request to be rejected with warning

2. Can we use dynamic attribute to check if user already has an AD group, and if group present, then the role request should be auto-approved if not present then request will follow normal approval process.




  • #1 you can check how many roles has been requested using groovy query. As a warning you can auto reject request and send email to requestor
  • In role request you can’t have dynamic attributes. This also you can try using groovy script 
  • refer some samples

Rushikesh Vartak
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