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Azure AD Access import-Responsestatuscode-404

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi Team,

We are experiencing an issue with Azure AD Access full import job. Its giving following error.

ResponseStatusCode-404, Failed url-, Error Message - {"error":{"code":"NotFound","message":"No threadId found for TeamId 9d79f440-2116-47c6-8e0d-64c7bc75b68c","innerError":{"code":"Unknown","message":"No threadId found for TeamId 9d79f440-2116-47c6-8e0d-64c7bc75b68c","date":"2024-07-03T11:30:22","request-id":"ce7b4219-296e-43f1-8d69-590b80b4a0ea","client-request-id":"2c41b7e0-3848-4213-8ed4-4b7ae78ae8aa"}}}

Help us resolve this error.

Thank you.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi @Deepa_Vimal , what all entitlement types are you importing and is it AzureAD ootb connector??

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi @NM, We are using Azure AD OOTB connector, and currently we are trying to import AADGroups,AADGroupOwners, and team. 



Try below custom access json in job

"importEntTypes": {
"AADGroup": {},
"Team": {}

"excludeEntTypes": {
"ApplicationInstance": {},
"DirectoryRole": {},
"Subscription": {},
"Application": {},
"DirectoryRoleMember": {},
"SKU": {},
"ServicePlans": {},

"Channel": {},
"MemberPermission": {},
"GuestPermission": {}



Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

Hi @rushikeshvartak, I have added custom access json and ran import custom access json job, but again it is giving same error. The entitlementid mentioned in the error message is present in Azure AD target. 

Error message: ResponseStatusCode-404, Failed url-, Error Message - {"error":{"code":"NotFound","message":"No team found with Group Id 9d79f440-2116-47c6-8e0d-64c7bc75b68c","innerError":{"code":"ItemNotFound","message":"No team found with Group Id 9d79f440-2116-47c6-8e0d-64c7bc75b68c","details":[],"date":"2024-07-04T11:52:32","request-id":"3df1cb43-a0e7-48f5-9d2b-8d9e2f2026ec","client-request-id":"f175a9c7-6f68-4156-8610-65469d487b33"}}}

Share data analyzer screenshot from entitlement values for above team id

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

Hi @rushikeshvartak, The following is the data analyser screenshot. Incremental import works fine. But when we run full import, we are getting error. We checked target Azure AD, the mentioned entitlementid is present.


Thank you.

Inactive the entitlement id and change entitlement id using enhanced query and try full import 

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.