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Need Feature Access export for particular SAV roles under analytics

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On forum I found the query which lists all the access features along with the urls.

select sv.ROLENAME, fr.FEATUREDISPLAYNAME, rm.url from requestmap rm inner join requestmap_feature rmf on rm.AUTHTYPE = rmf.AUTHTYPE inner join feature fr on fr.FEATURENAME = rmf.FEATURENAME inner join savrole_feature svf on svf.FEATUREID = fr.FEATUREID inner join savroles sv on sv.ROLEKEY = svf.ROLEKEY and sv.ROLENAME ='ROLE_CPAM_ROOTADMINREADONLY'

But I don't want the urls. I need help to modify the query so that it excludes the url part.



Hi @anujapawar use the below query

select sv.ROLENAME, fr.FEATUREDISPLAYNAME from requestmap rm inner join requestmap_feature rmf on rm.AUTHTYPE = rmf.AUTHTYPE inner join feature fr on fr.FEATURENAME = rmf.FEATURENAME inner join savrole_feature svf on svf.FEATUREID = fr.FEATUREID inner join savroles sv on sv.ROLEKEY = svf.ROLEKEY and sv.ROLENAME ='ROLE_CPAM_ROOTADMINREADONLY'
Naveen Sakleshpur
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Thanks for the query but I am looking for something like,

query to generate one single report that has all SAV roles and mapped to permissions.

crude example below:


ROLE_ADMIN | Create group

ROLE_ADMIN | Delete group

ROLE_ADMIN | Read group

ROLE_READONLY | Read group


Also, the query gives following output,



But I need to see Home feature access only once and not multiple times. Can the query be modified around it?


Hi @anujapawar use the below updated query

select distinct sv.ROLENAME, fr.FEATURENAME,fr.description from requestmap rm inner join requestmap_feature rmf on rm.AUTHTYPE = rmf.AUTHTYPE inner join feature fr on fr.FEATURENAME = rmf.FEATURENAME inner join savrole_feature svf on svf.FEATUREID = fr.FEATUREID inner join savroles sv on sv.ROLEKEY = svf.ROLEKEY and sv.ROLENAME IN ('ROLE_ADMIN','ROLE_SAV_END_USER')

. Include the role names for which you need the data under sv.ROLENAME IN ('') section. 


Naveen Sakleshpur
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Hi @naveenss ,

Thanks for helping with the query.

Also, I wanted to know how we can disable the Action (Status) tab from the reports.


I tried looking for the disable checkbox under the Global Configuration. Please guide me the direction where I can disable it .

Hi @anujapawar to remove this, go to your analytics configurations > under "Allowed Actions" remove the options you need. Please refer to the screenshot below



Naveen Sakleshpur
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Hi @naveenss ,

Please can you please suggest a query that will work to show 'Web Service Access' for the SAV Role instead of 'Feature Access'?





Rushikesh Vartak
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