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Iterative Rest API call to Different APIs

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hello Team,

Good Day!

There is a requirement to integrate to a rest API, where we are getting list of company IDs in the get token API response in below format.

"access_token": "token",
    "expires_in": 1234,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "scope": "api.read_only",
    "group_companies": [
            "group_id": 123456,
            "group_description": "RL Daly",
            "companies": [
                    "company_id": 123456,
                    "company_name": "Name of Company1",
                    "company_code": "AB1"
                    "company_id": 12345678,
                    "company_name": "Name of Company2",
                    "company_code": "AB2"

Now using the company id from token response api we have to create the import user URL and fetch user from that URL. Example https://client_App_URL/odata/v1.1/<company_id>/Employee
We have around 24 companies ID present in the token response, and we have to fetch users from 4 companies (We have to call 3 apis to get complete records of a user which means in total its 3*4 = 12 calls).
Is there a better way to perform the task than hard coding each companies ID in the URL and perform the API call.


You need to hardcode company id as current product design support single api response rather than iteration 

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Thanks @rushikeshvartak for your response.

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Please notify us once the idea ticket has been created.:light_bulb:

Rushikesh Vartak
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