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Is SAN(Subject Alternative Name) mandatory in the certificate for all the SSL certificates?

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor


We have a REST connector which uses SSL Authentication type. Recently, one of our certificates got expired and we were in the process of generating a new certificate. After we have and that SAN(Subject Alternative Name) be included in the certificate. We were unsure of this because this was not the case when we first setup the connection few years ago.

Is there a change in the Saviynt design that SAN should be included in the certificates? Because some of the connectors that use certificate based authentication still has certificates that do not have this SAN attribute.

Is this a new guideline from Saviynt?





Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Thanks for reaching out to saviynt forums,We are currently checking this and will keep you posted on the same.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Certificate name matching server host name -> No need to worry about SAN parameter.

SAN parameter is useful when same cert used for multiple server domains because cert name (one domain only) won't match other domain names.