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Intelligence report showing error in running a query

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi All,

While running a query in 'Intelligence' report Saviynt is throwing below error:

DataTables warning (table id = 'analyticsDetailsList'): Requested unknown parameter 'No. of users in group' from the data source for row 0

The same query is running fine in data analyzer and showing the records, the error is appearing only in intelligence report.


select "JDoeApplication" AS 'Application Name', ev.entitlement_value AS 'Group Name', COUNT(ae1.accountkey) AS 'No. of users in group' from account_entitlements1 ae1 right join entitlement_values ev on ae1.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY=ev.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY left join entitlement_types et on ev.ENTITLEMENTTYPEKEY=et.ENTITLEMENTTYPEKEY left join entitlement_owners eo on ev.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY=eo.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY left join users u on eo.userkey=u.userkey where et.endpointkey = 57 GROUP BY ev.entitlement_value


Appreciate any feedback or resolution. Please note all relevant data is present in Saviynt, and same query is running all good in Data analyzer.

To test change the '57' in et.endpointkey = 57 as per your data


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @varunakarnia just to check .. can you create a new report and see if it gives any error.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi @NM ,

Meaning with same query only?

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Hi @varunakarnia can you just use 'Number of users' instead of 'No. of users in group' and check once?



New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi @indra_hema_95 ,

It worked. Interesting, it seems the dot in 'No.' is treated as an operator rather than a string in backend.

Thank you


Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

@varunakarnia correct.