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08/23/2024 04:10 AM
We have a query where salesforce account cannot be deleted from Saviynt, but is there any way we can remove all the access from salesforce disable account
08/23/2024 05:23 AM
08/26/2024 01:01 AM
HI @vivekmistry ,
1) You can create analytic report to achieve that for existing disabled accounts.
select ae1.entitlement_valuekey as entvaluekey,ev.ENTITLEMENT_VALUE,ae1.accountkey as acctKey,, 'Deprovision Access' as 'Default_Action_For_Analytics' from account_entitlements1 ae1, accounts a , entitlement_values ev where a.accountkey = ae1.accountkey and ev.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY=ae1.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY and a.endpointkey=12;
2) Once this is done and baselined. You can have a user update rule created (statuskey is updated and 0),--> Disable Salesforce account and deprovision access
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