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Immediate alerts for a new SOD conflict

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi Team,

How immediate alerts can be sent to Admins(IAM Security Team) if there is a SOD conflict found?



Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Immediatly after a new SOD violation is found in the system we want to sent out an alert to IAM Security team. Please let us know how we can achieve it.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @vermark ,

Can you please elaborate the business case you're looking for. Are you looking for alerts for detective SODs or preventative ??



Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Example - We have two roles in the system RoleA and RoleB. We have created a risk in the system that no user can have both RoleA and RoleB assignged at the same time.

I raised a request for RoleA. It was pending for approval meanwhile i raised a request for RoleB. Now it will be a SOD violation and system will detect this violation only after running the sod evaluation job. As soon as it is detected we want to sent out an alert.



@vermark , If you've requested for Role A and if the request is still pending, and if you've requested for role B, it will not flag SOD conflict as the use doesn't have access for Role A yet. 



Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

That is true it will not flag sod at the time of request as mentioned in my example. What i am asking is - when it is detected by sod evaluation job later then send alert to some team. How we can configure the alert to trigger immediatly as soon as new violation is detected in system.

You can use custom action block in workflow

Rushikesh Vartak
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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

This is not supported at the moment. Please raise an enhancement using Ideas Portal.