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How to manage users with rescind offers in Saviynt coming from Workday

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi Team,

Need a information on the below. 

Once the user identity is created for prehires, in case if the user doesn't join the organization, workday will remove them completely and hence they won't come up in the user feed to Saviynt in the subsequent feeds. So we wanted to understand how to manage such prehires/users who doesn't come in the feed. We do not want to just inactivate them without validating them as dropouts as there might be other use cases. Please suggest what is the best way to manage.



You can create report and detect such users and take required  action 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Isnt the workday team sending rescinded hire transaction in the report.

Ideally they should send rescinded hire transaction.


Devang Gandhi
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

They are not sending rescinded offer details. So, is the problem. 

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

I am coming back on this forum chain again.. If anyone has inputs, please respond.

We are planning to set missing users in the import to Inactive. As a part of the testing in Dev, I see under Job Log Analysis -> ' Active Users not in feed' is around 500K users, does that mean all 500 K users are active and missing in the feed ? But I checked we don't have 500 K active users in Saviynt for that particular source through analyser. So, I assume 500 K consists of Inactive + Active users missing in the feed. If that's the case if we have keep a threshold  value to inactivate missing users, should it be 500 K ? How does threshold works here on what number?

can someone give more clarity. Thank you

If any users not coming from source then those will made inactivate based on threshold so 

Total Users in Saviynt - Total Users came from recent reconciliation = Threshold Value + 5

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Thank you Rushikesh. We tried testing this functionality of 'Inactivate' in Job to move the missed users from import to Inactive and also create deprovision tasks w.r.t those users. We also enabled 'user termination from imports' under global configurations.

However it shows it has moved the users to inactive in the job log analysis but actual status to the user remains active in Saviynt. Another issue is it's not creating in deprovision tasks. 

Can someone tell me if i'm missing any other setting which is causing this.

Thank you


  • Did you validated logs ? if its rolling back changes

Rushikesh Vartak
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Thank you Rushikesh for your response. we found the issue. Missed user terminations also to be included along with actual terminations to define termination limit. We had only changed threshold value hence it was failing. We got it fixed.