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07/01/2024 03:14 AM
Need some help with auto increment function of service account name rule. So this is our current query:
${if(Application.length() < 11 && Application.equals('CyberArk')){Type.concat('_Ca').concat(OSType.substring(0,3)).concat('user')} else if(Application.length() < 11){Type.concat('_').concat(((((((((Application.replace(' ','')).replace('(','')).replace(')','')).replace('-','')).replace('/','')).replace('.','')).replace('&','')).replace(':','')).replace('�','')).concat('_').concat(Environment.split('-')[0])} else {Type.concat('_').concat(((((((((Application.substring(0,10).replace(' ','')).replace('(','')).replace(')','')).replace('-','')).replace('/','')).replace('.','')).replace('&','')).replace(':','')).concat('_').replace('�','')).concat(Environment.split('-')[0])} }###INCREMENTINDEX###
The relevant part here is the first condition where application name equals CyberArk, there it should be Ca + either Win or Lin (based on what user selects in a dynamic attribute) + user + increment number. So this query works in one environment where there were no already present users by this name which meant the increment started from scratch. However, in a rela-time environment, we already have multiple cawinuser1,2, hundreds, same with calinusers.
Does anyone have any input on how to write this code? I already tried with the below:
${if(Application.length() < 11 && Application.equals('CyberArk')){Type.concat('_Ca').concat(OSType.substring(0,3)).concat('user').concat(select count(*) from accounts a where a.endpointkey = 131 and like concat('_Ca','Winuser','%'))} else if(Application.length() < 11){Type.concat('_').concat(((((((((Application.replace(' ','')).replace('(','')).replace(')','')).replace('-','')).replace('/','')).replace('.','')).replace('&','')).replace(':','')).replace('�','')).concat('_').concat(Environment.split('-')[0])} else {Type.concat('_').concat(((((((((Application.substring(0,10).replace(' ','')).replace('(','')).replace(')','')).replace('-','')).replace('/','')).replace('.','')).replace('&','')).replace(':','')).concat('_').replace('�','')).concat(Environment.split('-')[0])} }###INCREMENTINDEX###
but for some reason when i try to save this code it does not save only - im guessing there must be some flaw in this. My logic was that the count code would count the number of accounts that had something appended to cawinuser and then automatically add that number and increment the account
If someone can help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
07/01/2024 06:51 AM
Can you share logs
07/01/2024 07:32 AM
07/01/2024 07:58 AM
check in network logs in browser if any
07/01/2024 09:08 AM
Checked this as well now. No change in logs - and as of ten minutes ago, the loading icon is still running on the update page of Service Account endpoint
07/01/2024 09:38 AM
Now for application where account name already exists you can create another dynamic attribute and use in account name rule
07/10/2024 07:37 AM - edited 07/10/2024 07:38 AM
@rushikeshvartak - Sorry asking this question out of context of this thread. Is it possible to restrict service account name with only generate instead of putting it manually?. As page is allowed to update it manually to any value.
07/10/2024 09:02 AM
You can achieve this
08/12/2024 01:54 AM
Yes, it would be global change for all the Service Account Management. Btw i am able to do small change in gsp page.
08/12/2024 04:48 AM
Does your issue resolved ? If yes provide gsp name & solution/code added in gsp
08/12/2024 07:42 AM
gsp name: createrequestsecondstepint.gsp
Below are the changes
<g:if test="${params.manageserviceaccount != null && params.manageserviceaccount=='1' && accounts==null}">
<input type="text" readonly='true' name="accountNameDiv${params.pagenumber}" class="form-control" aria-label="<g:message code="NameKey.label" args="[g.message([code: 'AccountKey.label'])]"/>" rows="1" id="accountNameDiv${params.pagenumber}" value="" cols="25" onblur="replaceAccountName(this.value,'${params.pagenumber}', '${endpoints?.id}', 'manual')" />
08/12/2024 09:25 AM
You can validate application name / customproperty and make it conditional
08/12/2024 09:32 AM
Yes, but we want make very minimal changes in gsp files. Rest everything will be controlled within sa
08/12/2024 09:47 AM
Great anything else you looking out here ?