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Getting entitlements using httpAcctToEnt

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

The system we are interacting with is providing the entitlement membership through the import account endpoint.  When trying to unstack the information, Saviynt fails to retrieve the membership.  I followed the documentation available here and here, without success.

I attached the relevant json configuration and payloads but in a nutshell, Import is done over two calls:

  1. Get all IDs
  2. For each ID, get additional user information and entitlement membership (call1Payload.txt, call2Payload.txt)

I set the acctEntParams to reference the acctEntMappings.  

"acctEntParams": {
		"entTypes": {
			"Role": {
				"call": {
					"call1": {
						"connection": "userAuth",
						"callOrder": 0,
						"stageNumber": 0,
						"processingType": "acctToEntMapping"

Mappings is fairly simple:

"acctEntMappings": {
			"Role": {
				"listPath": "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Role.roles",
				"idPath": "roleName",
				"keyField": "entitlementID"

However, at the end of processing, only the user information that is referenced in call1 and call2 shows up.  No entitlement membership is visible.

Any idea as to what could be missing?


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

@flegare  Please try with attached one.

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Hi @nimitdave ,

Thanks for the answer, however, I forgot to mention I had already tried with this alternate syntax.  I just tried again and it is still failing.

Could the connector have an issue with parsing the scim payload?  How can we troubleshoot this further?

Thanks again!
