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Exporting endpoint details

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor


We can export connections and Security Systems using the transport packages page, but I don't see an option to export endpoints.

We want to export ONLY the endpoint details such as configurations as we are moving from development to production. We DO NOT want to export the entitlements, entitlement types, accounts,...

Is there a way to achieve this? We noticed an export endpoint button on the endpoint itself but this exports everything in the endpoint including entitlements and entitlement_values_mapping.



You can create analytics report and export.

Query : Select * from endpoints

SELECT ext.connectiontype, exc.connectionname, CASE exc.status WHEN 1 THEN 'Successful' WHEN 0 THEN 'Failed' END AS Connection_Status, ss.systemname AS SecuritySystem, ep.endpointname, ep.endpointKey, ep.displayname, ep.parentaccountpattern AS Parent_Account_Name_Pattern, ep.parentendpointKey AS Parent_Endpoint_Name, ep.description, ep.ownertype, ep.ownerkey AS Owner, ep.requestownertype AS Resource_Owner_Type, ep.requestowner AS Resource_Owner, ep.customproperty1, ep.customproperty2, ep.customproperty3, ep.customproperty4, ep.customproperty5, ep.accessquery, ep.useraccountcorrelationrule, ep.accountnamerule, ep.accounttypenodeprovision, ep.accounttypenopasswordchange, ep.enablecopyaccess, ep.disableaccountrequest, ep.accounttypeforserviceaccount, ep.createenttaskforremoveacc, ep.customproperty6, ep.customproperty7, ep.customproperty8, ep.customproperty9, ep.customproperty10, ep.customproperty11, ep.customproperty12, ep.customproperty13, ep.customproperty14, ep.customproperty15, ep.customproperty16, ep.customproperty17, ep.customproperty18, ep.customproperty19, ep.customproperty20, ep.customproperty21, ep.customproperty22, ep.customproperty23, ep.customproperty24, ep.customproperty25, ep.customproperty26, ep.customproperty27, ep.customproperty28, ep.customproperty29, ep.customproperty30, customproperty1label, customproperty2label, customproperty3label, customproperty4label, customproperty5label, customproperty6label, customproperty7label, customproperty8label, customproperty9label, customproperty10label, customproperty11label, customproperty12label, customproperty13label, customproperty14label, customproperty15label, customproperty16label, customproperty17label, customproperty18label, customproperty19label, customproperty20label, customproperty21label, customproperty22label, customproperty23label, customproperty24label, customproperty25label, customproperty26label, customproperty27label, customproperty28label, customproperty29label, customproperty30label, ea.attribute, CASE ea.requesttype WHEN 1 THEN 'Account' WHEN 5 THEN 'Role' END AS RequestType, ea.attributelable, ea.attributegroup, ea.orderindex, CASE ea.attribute_type WHEN 7 THEN 'Single Select From SQL Query' ELSE 'Others' END AS Attribute_Type, ea.sqlquery, ea.defaultvalue, ea.accounts_column, ea.required as 'Required Attribute', ea.editable, ea.hideoncreate, ea.hideonupd, ea.showonchild, ea.parentattribute, ea.actionstring, et.certifiable, et.entitlementname, CASE et.requestform WHEN 0 THEN 'None' WHEN 3 THEN 'Table' ELSE 'Others' END AS Request_Option, CASE et.hiearchyrequired WHEN 0 THEN 'Not Required' WHEN 1 THEN 'Required' END AS Hieararchy, et.requiredinrequest AS 'Required In Request' FROM externalconnectiontype ext LEFT OUTER JOIN externalconnection exc ON ext.externalconnectiontypekey = exc.externalconnectiontype LEFT OUTER JOIN securitysystems ss ON exc.externalconnectionkey = ss.externalconnection LEFT OUTER JOIN endpoints ep ON ss.systemkey = ep.securitysystemkey LEFT OUTER JOIN endpoint_attributes ea ON ep.endpointKey = ea.endpointKey LEFT OUTER JOIN entitlement_types et ON ep.endpointKey = et.endpointKey;

Rushikesh Vartak
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hi @Caesrob 

We can't say export all endpoints config , please below steps for nonprod to prod migration

We have option Admin->Application Onboarding-> here need to add exiting endpoints after all steps done , you will see in transport->export->Application onboarding-> select endpoint and export it and import in prod

you will get entire configuration same as nonprod to prod.

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