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Email Template - Secondary Manager as Recipient

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We have a requirement to send email notices to a secondary manager if populated on the identity. I have attempted to include them in the cc field of the email template. I have tried using ${} and ${} but none have succeeded. Is there documentation that references how to include them in a recipient list like manager?


  • Where is email template attached ?
  • Please validate supported variables.

    Purpose :

    To get what variables are present to use in the email template.

    Email Template steps :

    keep Advanced HTML CSS flag is checked

    Keep your email Address in TO

    TO /CC/BCC & Subject - Don't use any dynamic variables

    Add only below code in Email Body
    ${this.binding.variables.each {k,v -> println "$k = $v" + "" + "br" + ">"}}

    Output : using the below expression. By putting it in the email body, it will print all variable names with values, and then accordingly, you can use it:

Rushikesh Vartak
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Currently I just have a User Update Rule so I can quickly test the email. Ultimately it will be in the Active Directory New Account task complete so the secondary manager can receive it. I updated the email and used what you provided, but there is no secondary manager in the body:
entitlement_endpoint_list = []br> manager = manager_userbr> createdBy = manager_user> service_accounts_list = []br> ownerOnTerminate = manager_user> serviceaccount_endpoints_list = []br> baseUrlForEmail = https://emaillinkbr> user = test.user@aol.combr> requestor = manager_user> entitlement_value_list = []br> out => [entitlement_endpoint_list:[], manager:manager_user, createdBy:manager_user, service_accounts_list:[], ownerOnTerminate:aalvarez_adm_twc, serviceaccount_endpoints_list:[], baseUrlForEmail:https://emaillink ,, requestor:manager_user, entitlement_value_list:[],]

Attach to New Account in AD  and validate 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Again, no data pertaining to secondary manager.

  • Share variable list 

Rushikesh Vartak
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resourceOwners > tasktype > manager > accountOwners = []br> randompassword > entitlement > provisioningOwners > users > requestor >  account_password = > task > accountname > requestid > endpointDisplayName > account_name > endpointOwners > baseUrlForEmail > user > taskaction > account > [resourceOwners:, tasktype, manager, accountOwners:[], randompassword, entitlement:[], provisioningOwners:, users:, requestor, account_password, task, accountname, requestid:AutoGenerated, endpointDisplayName, account_name, endpointOwners, baseUrlForEmail, user, taskaction, account]


Rushikesh Vartak
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Attempted to use that in the email body as a test, which was not successful.

Could you kindly provide a detailed snapshot of the information extracted from the logs, encompassing errors and other pertinent functionality details encountered during the execution of this process? Your assistance in furnishing this information would greatly aid in the analysis and resolution of any issues .

‼️‼️⚠️Do not upload any attachments that contain sensitive information, such as IP Addresses, URLs, Company/Employee Names, Email Addresses, etc.⚠️‼️‼️

Rushikesh Vartak
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I'm not entirely sure how to attach logs while validating no sensitive data is present. Is there a reference on scrubbing logs?

  • Change URL to xxxxx
  • change emails to xxxxx

Rushikesh Vartak
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Attaching email logs scrubbing data. Note: This current log was from being directly used in the body.

Try ${task?.userKey?.secondaryManager?.email}

Rushikesh Vartak
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Was able to get access to the environment to retest. Still receive the value you supplied as plain text in the email. Not the value of the secondary manager's email.

I did try modifying the template to just ${user.secondaryManager} and that worked and returned the manager. I think it is purely an issue of the email cannot be linked in the user object since it doesn't exist in the reference. Is there a way to pull a user by username and reference the email?


Rushikesh Vartak
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That also just returns the string literal. Does not seem to function as intended.

Share screenshot how you used?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Utilized code directly from your text in the body, just replacing username with email.

Where is email template attached ? Can you try on TO/CC

Rushikesh Vartak
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Utilized the code in the CC but no emails are coming through when retesting.

Where is email template attached ? 
Please share logs and highlights line number in file from which logs can be reviewed 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Continued testing with the body of the email. If it ever output all literal strings, I knew the test was a failure. I was finally able to resolve the secondary manager's email by modifying the input of the get method to point to the secondary manager's id. Works in body, cc, and bcc.

Final code used:


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @aalvarez_mk - 

At Saviynt, we take security and privacy seriously.

As the Saviynt Community Forum is an open forum, viewable by anyone on the internet, we make it a priority to ensure that customers' and partners' Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is never disclosed. This also includes other technical information that malicious individuals could potentially use against you or your company.

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AND LENGTH(lastname) >= 5
THEN REPLACE(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(lastname, 1, 5), SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 2)), 'ñ', 'n')

Thank you,


@aalvarez_mk  where did you attach the email template?

did you refer below forum threads?

try with if else condition


Sumathi Somala

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I have tried previously which does not print anything per Rushikesh. As there's no if/else condition to try when dumping all variables, I don't think that would be impacting anything.