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Decryption Jar issue in Saviynt

New Contributor
New Contributor

We have developed a JAR file, named DecryptionJar, to perform the following tasks:

1)Download an encrypted file from an SFTP server to Saviynt Data files.
2)Retrieve the private key and passphrase from Delinea Secret Server (via APIs) for decryption.
3)Decrypt the downloaded file and save it to Saviynt Data files.

Currently, with the JAR uploaded to Saviynt, we are successfully able to download the encrypted file 
and retrieve the private key and passphrase. However, we are encountering issues during the decryption process.

We have uploaded 5 JARs in Saviynt: DecryptionJar (Main JAR) 
and other 4 dependency JARs(bcpg-jdk18on-1.73, bcprov-jdk18on-1.73, jsch-0.1.542 and json-20240303)

The decryption process fails with the following error:


Please find the attached complete logs file.

The error appears to be due to a missing method in one of the dependency JARs.
Below is the code causing the error for reference.(line 258)


PGPUtil.getDecoderStream() is part of the dependency jar bcpg-jdk18on-1.73.jar
PGP is the encryption system that we are using here and the above JAR is required for the same.
We have also tried with the various versions of the dependency JAR, but the issue remains the same.

Note: This is working fine in local machine and not working in Saviynt. We have tried with both Java standalone project and springboot maven project.
We are using the version Java 8 to build the JAR file.


[This message has been edited by moderator to mask sensitive information]



@Abhishek_K  you need map jdk also 8 v only.

jdk18on-1.73, bcprov-jdk18on-1.7

if using eclipse please map library jdk8 and build it and chekc it and first time jar upload need restrart saviynt end restrart the application and check it.

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Hi Raghu,
I have mapped Java SE-1.8  in the build path. 



Is this the same you are referring to?



Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@Abhishek_K reference libraries should also be compatible with saviynt JDK 8.

Possible to share code to have a look?

New Contributor
New Contributor

Removed the Sensitive information and attached the code. Please check.


@Abhishek_K  may i knw how jar calling attribtes ?

via job-> what is parameters ? how share ss

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@Raghu Please find the job config as below.



Note: we are able to call the execute method in the jar and 3/4th of the code is working fine in saviynt and it fails at the decryption.

  • Did you tried to create Maven project ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor
New Contributor

We have tried with maven project too, it results in the same error.

Since its propriety code i will suggest raise support ticket for further troubleshooting 

Rushikesh Vartak
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We have raised a support ticket and are currently awaiting a resolution from the Saviynt team.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@Abhishek_K do update us if you hear from them..

