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Dashboard data refresh and Dashboard refresh job

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello all,

So we have a few Dashboards scheduled in our project which are report based and runs once a day, that's when the data is being refreshed. All the Dashboards are ES tile based. Now we have a requirement to update the data more frequently so I have two following questions ->

  1. Do Dashboard refresh jobs update the data of report based dashboards or do we need to increase the frequency of report schedule? 
  2. How can we configure the "Reload" button at the bottom of a tile to refresh the data whenever required by a user?
  3. aishwarydubey_0-1712836994963.png


    I went through the documentations but did not find any clear answers for above queries. Thank you for the helping on this 🙂

  • If dashboard is using analytics then report needs to be scheduled more frequently ( preferably runtime) to avoid more frequent scheduled
  • Reload button is useful for non ES dashboards

Rushikesh Vartak
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Thank you for your response! 🙂