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Control Center Intelligence KPI Creation Failed

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi everybody,

I am currently building a dashboard in Control Center.

Within a single book I am looking at create 3 KPIs, using pre existing analytics (these run correctly and return data).

I have been able to create 2 of the 3 KPIs required, but upon attempting to create the third one, when I press create on the final KPI, it throws an error simply stating 'Failed'. I have checked the network log in browser and it's returning a 500 internal server error.


The configuration of the KPI is identical to that of the others, besides the name & query selected.


When I hit create:


To note, other unrelated dashboards are working as expected and had no issues being implemented.


Any help would be great! 😁




Remove single quotes from basic info

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

This was close, but not the problem.

Turned out the problem was open and closed brackets in the description..