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can I use an existing campaign to filter specific entitlements from a specific endpoint?

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

I have a user manager campaign that targets a list of endpoints. Moving forward I would like to add one more endpoint and filter only specific entitlements from this endpoint, but keep the rest of the campaign endpoints/entitlements untouched, is this possible? and how would I go about achieving this?




entitlementtypekey in (100,200,300 ) or entitlement_valuekey in (1,2,3)


  • 100, 200,300 are other endpoints Entitlement Type key
  • New Endpoints Entitlement Valuekey are 1.2.3
  • rushikeshvartak_0-1729088971987.png


Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

thanks, now does this filter impact other endpoints specified in the campaign as well? as we would like to see all the accounts and entitlements for them.

For example, need to see everything for endpoints A and B, for new endpoint C, only entitlements that are high privileged


  • 100& 200 A&B endpoint entitlementtypekey
  • 300 C endpoint and 1,2,3  entitlement_valuekey

Rushikesh Vartak
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Esteemed Contributor
Esteemed Contributor

@theosveg it won't it will check the entitlement type and then value if one of them satisfy it moves forward.

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More optimized query 


entitlementtypekey in (select entitlementtypekey  from entitlement_types where endpointkey in (select endpointkey from endpoints where endpointname in ('A','B')))  or entitlement_valuekey in (select entitlement_valuekey from entitlement_values where status=1 and privileged =4 and entitlementtypekey in (select entitlementtypekey  from entitlement_types where endpointkey in (select endpointkey from endpoints where endpointname in ('C'))))





Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Thank you @rushikeshvartak I will test this and come back to close the thread. 🙂