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Any way to push business justification of multiple roles through rest connector

New Contributor II
New Contributor II


Through rest, we have a connection to service desk. We create incidents/ tickets to give app owners useful information from the form and user table.

Here to push entitlement business justification, I used variable ${businessJustification}. It works for one entitlement. However, when I request two entitlements, it only shows business justification of one.



Any way to push all business ents irrespective of the number?

Thanks in advance.



Can you share full json

Rushikesh Vartak
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TicketStatus and CreateTicket JSON codes attached here.


Rushikesh Vartak
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It gives null:

Business Justification: null

Probably because the request comments is null. But I jhad separately filled out business justification for both roles and none of those are showing


Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

Both ${request.comments} and ${request?.comments} are giving errors

${if(taskIds != null && taskIds.size()>0){String result='';ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(taskIds); arr.eachWithIndex{ val, idx -> com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks.get(val)?.entitlement_valueKey!=null?result=result.concat(com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks.get(val)?.tasktype==1?'ADD:: ':com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks.get(val)?.tasktype==31?'Extend End Date :: ':'REMOVE :: ').concat(com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks.get(val)?.entitlement_valueKey!=null?com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks.get(val)?.entitlement_valueKey?.entitlementtypekey.entitlementname+' : ':'').concat(com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks.get(val)?.entitlement_valueKey?.entitlement_value).concat(' : Access Start Date - ' + com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks.get(val)?.requestAccessKey?.startdate).concat(' : Access End Date - ' + com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks.get(val)?.requestAccessKey?.enddate).concat(' : Approved By - ' + com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.Users.get(com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks.get(val)?.requestAccessKey?.collect{{it.jbpmActivityName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase('OwnerApproval')}}?.collect{it.approveby}.get(0).get(0)).displayname).concat('\\\\n'):'';}; return result}else{return '';}}

Sample to get all taskids change logic as per your requirements 

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II


Can I get clarification on this code? Not seeing which part should give business justification.

Sample to get all taskids change logic as per your requirements 

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II


I tried your code plus a simplified version of it in the attached txt doc, but both of them are giving errors. Is the code validated from your end? Or is there something we're missing?

Thank you

[This message has been edited by moderator to mask domain name]

Code is validated  please share logs and code 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Attached are logs and the code.

Thank you,

Seemran Biswal

Its seems issue with service account used in connection 

"2024-05-08T11:02:23.382+00:00","ecm-worker","rest.RestProvisioningService","quartzScheduler_Worker-8-6spvw","ERROR","Call response: {"code":"access_denied","message":"You are not authorized to perform this action."}"

Rushikesh Vartak
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If it was an auth error, it wouldn't create tickets at all. But once I remove the code, it does.

I ran the job again and attached are logs. If you look at this part in particular: 


this is the message that shows when there's a syntax error or similar.


[This message has been edited by moderator to mask email from attached logs]

Please share all JSONs -

  • Connection
  • Create Ticket
  • Status check

Rushikesh Vartak
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Just keep code shared in body of ticket and validate

Rushikesh Vartak
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