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Analytics throwing "Alert: Control execution is taking longer than expected." error

New Contributor
New Contributor

I am currently trying to run an analytics search that will produce contractirs with some user information. The query I built works successfully in Data Analyzer, but when I try to run in Analytics I get the following message:

"Alert: Control execution is taking longer than expected. You will be notified when the result is ready"

Below is the query I am using. This is currently in Dev 23.11:

select concat ('99',lpad(u.userkey,6,'0')) as 'PERNR1','000' as SEQNR1,'0000' as INFTY1, '' as SUBTY1, DATE_FORMAT(u.startdate, "%Y%m%d") as 'BEGDA1', CASE when u.enddate IS NULL then '99991231' ELSE DATE_FORMAT(u.enddate, "%Y%m%d") End as 'ENDDA1', '' as NA1, case when u.statuskey = 1 then 'Z1' when u.statuskey = 0 then 'Z2' ELSE 'Inavlid' END AS 'MASSN', '01' as MASSG, case when u.statuskey = 1 then '3' when u.statuskey = 0 then '0' ELSE 'Inavlid' END AS 'STAT2',concat ('99',lpad(u.userkey,6,'0')) as 'PERNR2','000' as NA2,'0001' as INFTY2, '' as SUBTY2, DATE_FORMAT(u.startdate, "%Y%m%d") as 'BEGDA2', CASE when u.enddate IS NULL then '99991231' ELSE DATE_FORMAT(u.enddate, "%Y%m%d") End as 'ENDDA2', '' as NA3,u.costcenter as 'KOSTL',case
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 2550 then '1003'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 2000 then '1001'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 2500 then '1002'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 2600 then '1004'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 2700 then '1005'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 3350 then '1017'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 4330 then '1025'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 4670 then '1029'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 4680 then '1030'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = '0100TMC' then '1000'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 1000 then '2000'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 1110 then '2001'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 1210 then '2002'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 1310 then '2003'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 4340 then '2011'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 'Fospar SA' then '4001'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 'Mosaic Fertilizantes' then '4000'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 'Mosaic Fertilizantes P&K Ltda.' then '4005'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 'Mosaic Potassio Mineracao LTDA' then '4004'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 'IN1C' then '6500'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 4140 then '6001'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 4220 then '6002'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 4130 then '6000'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 'Miski_Mayo_Mining_Company' then '4680'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = '80083153-5' then '4620'
when (select u2.customproperty5 from users u2 where u2.userkey = u.manager) = 'COMPANY-3-43' then '4007'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 2550 then '1003'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 2000 then '1001'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 2500 then '1002'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 2600 then '1004'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 2700 then '1005'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 3350 then '1017'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 4330 then '1025'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 4670 then '1029'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 4680 then '1030'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = '0100TMC' then '1000'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 1000 then '2000'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 1110 then '2001'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 1210 then '2002'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 1310 then '2003'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 4340 then '2011'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 'Fospar SA' then '4001'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 'Mosaic Fertilizantes' then '4000'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 'Mosaic Fertilizantes P&K Ltda.' then '4005'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 'Mosaic Potassio Mineracao LTDA' then '4004'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 'IN1C' then '6500'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 4140 then '6001'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 4220 then '6002'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 4130 then '6000'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 'Miski_Mayo_Mining_Company' then '4680'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = '80083153-5' then '4620'
when (select u3.customproperty5 from users u3 where u3.userkey = u.manager) = 'COMPANY-3-43' then '4007'
END AS 'WERKS', '06' as BTRTL, u.LOCATIONNUMBER as 'ZLOC', 'M' as PERSG, 'CR' as PERSK, '99' as ABKRS, '99999999' as STELL,'' as ORGEH, '' as ZZJOBPF,'' as PLANS,'CR' as ZGRADE,(select u1.username from users u1 where u1.userkey = u.manager) as 'MSTBR', concat (u.firstname,' ',u.lastname) as ENAME, concat ('99',lpad(u.userkey,6,'0')) as 'PERNR3','000' as NA4,'0002' as INFTY3, '' as SUBTY3, '' as 'BEGDA3', CASE when u.enddate IS NULL then '99991231' ELSE DATE_FORMAT(u.enddate, "%Y%m%d") End as 'ENDDA3', '' as NA5, '' as 'TITEL', u.lastname as 'NACHN', u.middlename as 'MIDNM', u.firstname as 'VORNA', concat ('99',lpad(u.userkey,6,'0')) as 'PERNR4','000' as NA6,'0006' as INFTY4, '3' as SUBTY4, DATE_FORMAT(u.startdate, "%Y%m%d") as 'BEGDA4', CASE when u.enddate IS NULL then '99991231' ELSE DATE_FORMAT(u.enddate, "%Y%m%d") End as 'ENDDA4', '' as NA7, '3' as ANSSA, '' as NAME2, u.street as 'STRAS', u.street as 'LOCAT', u.customproperty2 as 'PSTLZ', as 'ORT01', u.state as 'STATE', as 'LAND1', concat ('99',lpad(u.userkey,6,'0')) as 'PERNR5','000' as NA8,'000' as INFTY5, '' as SUBTY5, DATE_FORMAT(u.startdate, "%Y%m%d") as 'BEGDA5', CASE when u.enddate IS NULL then '99991231' ELSE DATE_FORMAT(u.enddate, "%Y%m%d") End as 'ENDDA5', '' as NA9, 'WORK' as SCHKZ, '0' as ZTERF, '100' as EMPCT, '8' as ARBST, '5' as WKWDY, concat ('99',lpad(u.userkey,6,'0')) as 'PERNR6','000' as NA10,'0105' as INFTY6, '0001' as SUBTY6, DATE_FORMAT(u.startdate, "%Y%m%d") as 'BEGDA6', CASE when u.enddate IS NULL then '99991231' ELSE DATE_FORMAT(u.enddate, "%Y%m%d") End as 'ENDDA6', '' as NA11, '0010' as USRTY1, as 'USRID_LONG', concat ('99',lpad(u.userkey,6,'0')) as 'PERNR7', '000' as NA12, '0105' as INFTY7, '0010' as SUBTY7, DATE_FORMAT(u.startdate, "%Y%m%d") as 'BEGDA7', CASE when u.enddate IS NULL then '99991231' ELSE DATE_FORMAT(u.enddate, "%Y%m%d") End as 'ENDDA7', '' as NA13,'0001' as USRTY2, u.systemusername as 'USRID', concat ('99',lpad(u.userkey,6,'0')) as 'PERNR8', '000' as NA14, '0041' as INFTY8, '' as SUBTY8, DATE_FORMAT(u.startdate, "%Y%m%d") as 'BEGDA8', CASE when u.enddate IS NULL then '99991231' ELSE DATE_FORMAT(u.enddate, "%Y%m%d") End as 'ENDDA8', '' as NA15, '01' as DAR01, DATE_FORMAT(u.startdate, "%Y%m%d") as 'DAT01', '' as DAR02, '' as DAR03 from users u where u.employeetype = 'Contractor';


Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III


Can you check may be you will get report after backed query execution completed if not, could you delete report and re-create again run and check after some min in mail box.

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New Contributor
New Contributor

We do not have an option to delete the analytics, also we fetch result using API, hence, we are using run time analytics to execute the query.

  • You can enable delete option from global configuration - analytics
  • As its runtime , how data is expected ( check count from data analyzer)

Rushikesh Vartak
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It did work, thank you!

  • How much data is showing in dry run ?

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

We fetch result using API, hence, we are using run time analytics to execute the query. There isn't an option for dry run.