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Advanced workflow issue

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hello all,

I want to create a workflow where entitlement will have custom property 1 as YES/NO,   if it's yes, it should go for person A, if it's NO, it should go for person B.

Now this is working with if else condition. But I want the account request should also go to same person where the entitlement is going. 

By any chance can we do it?

NOTE: User will be able to request only one entitlement. also its mandatory he will select .

 rushikeshvartak I saw you answered similar question for another user, Could please help me with this.


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Saviynt_learner,

Thanks for contacting the Saviynt forums. Our team is reviewing the matter and we will keep you informed.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Saviynt_learner,

We would appreciate if you could provide us with more information regarding your business use case.

A critical application will have 2  types of entitlement, for type 1 we have a group to approve, same with type2 as well.(we will mention it in the entitlement custom property as type1 or 2 )


Now the requirement is If a user requesting  account for this critical application, he must choose 1 entitlement as well(only 1 he can select  that's how we configured.). based on the entitlement he select account request should also go for appropriate group approval.


currently entitlemnt is going for appropriate group approval based on custom property value(we used if else condtion), but account request is not going fo any approval.


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Saviynt_learner,

I would appreciate it if you could share a snapshot of the sample workflow that you created.

Thanks for the response, I can't provide the screenshot, BUT I can tell you the logic currently used.


Start> manager > if-else (entitlement.cp1 eq yes  go to group approval(custom assignment), no  go to another group approval), Hope this is clear. IDK why you're asking the same again and again. I never got an answer from saviynt either through forum, or through tickets. Please dont respond if you can get back to us with some solution.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Saviynt_learner ,

We would appreciate some clarification on whether your process involves the submission of both an account and an entitlement within the same request, or if the request exclusively pertains to the requesting of entitlements. Your response will help us better understand the specifics of your inquiry and provide you with the most accurate assistance. Thank you for your cooperation.

yes, it involves both account and access request . 


If you read all of my responses above you can see these info as well. So request you to answer if its  possible or not.  I can explain the scenario again as well, as you have difficulty in understanding simple scenarios.