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AD connector JSON duplicity check

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Regular Contributor

Hi Team , 


I wanted to know if we can check for duplicity check with non mandatory attribute in AD like employeeID ? 

I tried Check for unique parameter from AD connector guide but it didn’t help . 
I added something like EmployeeID: ${user.username)

please help if any suggestion on same . 


Ankit Jain


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Ankyt19 ,


The AD connector has a CHECKFORUNIQUE field to achieve this. Please go through the AD Connector guide to know more of its features :


Sahaj Ranajee
Sr. Product Specialist

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @sahajranajee , 

IT is not working . Expectation was to have task in pending task if there is any duplicity on employeeID . 

I added below syntax : EmployeeID: ${user.username) 


but with duplicate employee ID or any other attribute in AD it created the account . 

note : DN, sAMAccountName, UPN works fine OOTB . And we get error in pending task saying entry already exists . 

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Ankyt19 ,

I am still unclear on your requirement. What do you mean by "Expectation was to have task in pending task if there is any duplicity on employeeID" ?

Do you want the task to not provision if a duplicate is found?

Sahaj Ranajee
Sr. Product Specialist

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Yes @sahajranajee  , it should not provision the account rather it should be there in pending task ( as duplicity found ) .

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @sahajranajee @any update here. ?


Rushikesh Vartak
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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

@Ankyt19 ,

CHECKFORUNIQUE will help you send a different value if a duplicate is found from the data present in Saviynt , similar to an account name rule.

But if a task is created, it will get provisioned, unless a restriction is available for the attribute on your target.

Sahaj Ranajee
Sr. Product Specialist

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Yes @sahajranajee and @rushikeshvartak . I agree CHEQUEFORUNIQUE is used to check for duplicity and change it to make it unique . Do we have any option to check for uniqueness on employeeID , So that even if duplicity found ,take no action rather just put that in pending task saying entry exists ? 



Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Ankyt19 ,

Do we have any option to check for uniqueness on employeeID  --> Yes, CHECKFORUNIQUE conditions can be set for any attribute and can be later referenced in the provisioning JSONs.

So that even if duplicity found ,take no action rather just put that in pending task saying entry exists ?
--> No, if duplicity is found in checkforunique, it moves to the next rule setup there and uses the value. it cannot act as a negation for the task to not provision. This has to be a restriction at the target.


Sahaj Ranajee
Sr. Product Specialist

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Yes @sahajranajee  . We could have handled in Saviynt .  CHECKFORUNIQUE acts as function 🙂 

Anyway I got my answer .Thank you so much