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Active Directory Endpoint Filtering resulting in creating duplicate entitlements

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We have a AD groups and have begun using EndPoint filtering on our AD connector.

However, this has had the result of creating duplicate entitlements and Entitlement values are imported in one group and accounts are imported in other group








Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @sandeepgudipudi , share groupimportmapping json

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

group import json






"Application Role Provisioning (SOX in-scope)":
["CN=All-Juniper-PSFT-Users,OU=MIM-Static,OU=Distribution Lists,OU=Common,DC=jnpr,DC=net",
"CN=Domain Admins,OU=T0-Admins,OU=T0-Groups,OU=Tier 0,OU=Admin,DC=jnpr,DC=net",
"CN=Schema Admins,OU=T0-Admins,OU=T0-Groups,OU=Tier 0,OU=Admin,DC=jnpr,DC=net",
"CN=%,OU=SOX in-scope,OU=Access-Control,OU=Groups,OU=Common,DC=jnpr,DC=net"]

Can you remove special characters from endpoint name

Rushikesh Vartak
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@sandeepgudipudi : Are both groups Active? Can you share the entitlementID value for both groups? 

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Entitlement values for both is same

CN=Domain Admins,OU=T0-Admins,OU=T0-Groups,OU=Tier 0,OU=Admin,DC=jnpr,DC=net

Share output for below query from data anlyzer

select entitlementid,entitlement_value,status, entitlement_valuekey from entitlement_values where entitlement_value in ()


Rushikesh Vartak
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@sandeepgudipudi : I am looking for EntitlementID value, please share the output of the SQL query Rushi shared.

select entitlementid,entitlement_value,status, entitlement_valuekey, job_id from entitlement_values where entitlement_value in ('xxxx')

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here is the output for the query




Inactive entitlement without entitlement from UI

Rushikesh Vartak
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We did inactivated 1 entitlement and on next run it got activated

  • Append -old to entitlement and make inactive

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

this is production and cant remove special characters from endpoint name, if we remove it will create a new end point..

Is there any limitation/restriction on end point naming convention?

You can validate same in lower enviorment

Rushikesh Vartak
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Its validated in lower environment and duplicate entitlements are not created