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Accounts Table: Index Field

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Can you advise us as to what is used as the index in the accounts table?

Many Thanks





Currently there are no indexes on accounts table

Rushikesh Vartak
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Please ignore my above response.

@rushikeshvartak , can we see indexes from Data Analyzer?

No. I have got extract from saviynt support

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @PremMahadikar 

You can view from analytics.



Devang Gandhi
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This was supported on NON-EIC v5.5 its not supported anymore 



Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak & @PremMahadikar, Thanks for your response. The reason I ask is as follows:

We have an EntraID endpoint with account records already populated. We were using the OOTB Entra connector. We now wish to change the connector to a REST connector so that we can import the lastsignindatetime attribute to these accounts. 

To ensure that we do not import duplicate records for these accounts, in our importAccountImportEnt JSON we have set the listField as "value" and the keyField to be "accountID". See  below the JSON:

    "accountParams": {
        "connection": "userAuth",
        "createUsers": false,
        "adminName": "admin",
        "processingType": "SequentialAndIterative",
        "statusAndThresholdConfig": {
            "deleteLinks": false,
            "accountThresholdValue": 30,
            "correlateInactiveAccounts": false,
            "inactivateAccountsNotInFile": true,
            "statusColumn": "customproperty42"
        "call": {
            "call1": {
                "callOrder": 0,
                "stageNumber": 0,
                "http": {
                    "url": "$select=id,userPrincipalName,givenName,signInActivity,lastSignInDateTime,surname,displayname,onPremisesSamAccountName,employeeId,department,onPremisesExtensionAttributes,extensionAttribute6,onPremisesSecurityIdentifier,onPremisesImmutableId,accountEnabled,employeeType",
                    "httpHeaders": {
                        "Authorization": "${access_token}"
                    "httpContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
                    "httpMethod": "GET"
                "listField": "value",
                "keyField": "accountID",
                "colsToPropsMap": {
                    "accountID": "id~#~char",
                    "name": "userPrincipalName~#~char",
                    "customproperty10": "signInActivity.lastSignInDateTime~#~char",
                    "customproperty1": "givenName~#~char",
                    "customproperty2": "surname~#~char",
                    "displayname": "displayName~#~char",
                    "customproperty3": "onPremisesSamAccountName~#~char",
                    "customproperty4": "employeeId~#~char",
                    "customproperty6": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute6~#~char",
                    "customproperty18": "department~#~char",
                    "customproperty37": "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier~#~char",
                    "customproperty38": "onPremisesImmutableId~#~char",
                    "customproperty42": "accountEnabled~#~char",
                    "customproperty53": "employeeType~#~char"
				"pagination": {
					"nextUrl": {
					"nextUrlPath": "${(response?.completeResponseMap?.get('@odata.nextLink')==null)? null : response?.completeResponseMap?.get('@odata.nextLink')}"
    "entitlementParams": {},
    "acctEntParams": {}

We are able to successfully achieve this in our pre-production environment however when we implement this in our production environment we get account records created in Saviynt but with the same ID. 

Can you advise?

Duplicate records are created ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak

Yeah, during import we were seeing duplicate records being created under the accounts table as part of the same endpoint. When we identified this we paused the job and reached out to the support team to perform a database rollback to a previous instance.

Try creating new endpoint and test so you can delete from UI.

Rushikesh Vartak
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Can you explain a bit more? If we create a new endpoint and then import accounts then we would be unable to remove these.


Create one analytics in Saviynt and run below query:

It should give you the desired result.





Devang Gandhi
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Hi @rushikeshvartak @dgandhi @PremMahadikar,

Are any of you able to advise on why the duplicate records are being created and what to check in the configuration to make sure that everything is configured so as to prevent this?

Did you tried creating new application

Rushikesh Vartak
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@Alex_Terry : Can you share the AccountID  of duplicate records? If the mapping for AccountID is different from your OOTB connector and REST Connector is different then there is a possibility of creating duplicate accounts. Make sure you have mapped same attributes to AccountID in both connectors

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Hi @Saathvik,

These duplicate records are no longer present in Saviynt as we performed a roll back to a previous snapshot. 

Do we need to be importing the exact same number of attributes and have them mapped in the same way outside of the account ID? I assumed that given the AccountID is being mapped to the same attribute across our environments and is being used as our key field we do not need to import the other attributes and their mapping in the same way, if at all.


@Alex_Terry : No it doesn't required to have all attributes mapped in both connectors but AccountID should be mapped to same attribute of target.

By any chance would you be able to share the Account attribute mapping for Entra connector? 

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Hi @rushikeshvartak 

We do not want to create a new endpoint in Saviynt. We'd just like to know:

  1. Are there any issues that you can identify in our connection JSON that would cause the creation of duplicate account records in Saviynt?
  2. What configurations outside of the connection JSON do we need to check to ensure that everything is configured to prevent this from happening?

What is use case for not using azure connector ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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@rushikeshvartak When using the Azure Connector if we try to import the lastsigninconnector the import job fails as it's not able to save the delta token. See these forums posts:

@Saathvik see the below code:

{"colsToPropsMap": {
		"name": "userPrincipalName~#~char",
		"customproperty1": "givenName~#~char",
		"customproperty2": "surname~#~char",
		"customproperty3": "onPremisesSamAccountName~#~char",
		"customproperty4": "employeeId~#~char",
		"customproperty5": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute5~#~char",
		"customproperty6": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute6~#~char",
		"customproperty8": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute8~#~char",
		"customproperty9": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute9~#~char",
		"customproperty10": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute10~#~char",
		"customproperty11": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute11~#~char",
		"customproperty12": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute12~#~char",
		"customproperty13": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute13~#~char",
		"customproperty14": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute14~#~char",
		"customproperty15": "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute15~#~char",
		"customproperty17": "companyName~#~char",
		"customproperty18": "department~#~char",
		"customproperty32": "jobTitle~#~char",
		"customproperty34": "mail~#~char",
		"customproperty37": "onPremisesSecurityIdentifier~#~char",
		"customproperty38": "onPremisesImmutableId~#~char",
		"customproperty40": "userType~#~char",
		"customproperty41": "onPremisesSyncEnabled~#~bool",
		"customproperty42": "accountEnabled~#~char",
		"customproperty43": "mailNickname~#~char",
		"customproperty44": "identities~#~char",
		"customproperty45": "onPremisesDistinguishedName~#~char",
		"customproperty46": "onPremisesProvisioningErrors~#~char",
		"customproperty47": "onPremisesDomainName~#~char",
		"customproperty48": "onPremisesLastSyncDateTime~#~char",
		"displayname": "displayName~#~char",
		"customproperty50": "createdDateTime~#~char",
		"customproperty51": "lastPasswordChangeDateTime~#~char",
		"customproperty53": "employeeType~#~char"	

@Alex_Terry : Looking at mappings I don't see any issue. It should work as it worked in your pre-production. Now it is unlikely to troubleshoot without having reference of accounts or logs. Is it reproducible in your lower environments?

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Hi @Saathvik, when configuring this in our lower environment we did not face this issue. 

Please share logs

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak, we are unable to share the logs. When we identified that duplicate account records were getting created we paused the import job and performed a database rollback. 

Create new applications and try json so in case of duplication you can delete application

Rushikesh Vartak
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