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All the accounts are importing as inactive

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi Team,

Throught workday all the accounts are importing fine but  all are marked as inactive though we have set the status threshold config and mapped the customproperty in the Account import mapping field.

Account Import mapping :
  "ImportType": "RAAS",
  "ResponsePath": "wd:Report_Data.wd:Report_Entry",
  "ImportMapping": {
    "NAME": "wd:Workday_Account.wd:ID[2].content~#~char",
    "ACCOUNTID": "wd:Workday_Account.wd:ID[0].content~#~char",
    "customproperty30": "wd:Account_Locked__Disabled_Expired~#~char"

Threshold Config :

    "statusColumn": "customproperty30",
     "activeStatus": ["0"],
    "deleteLinks": false,
    "accountThresholdValue": 500,
     "correlateInactiveAccounts": true,
    "inactivateAccountsNotInFile": false

and below is the format of RAAS MApping JSON we used:

    "reportUrlMapping": [
            "accessType": "Account",
            "url": "xxxxxxxx/Sav_Accounts?format=xml"

can somebody confirm what is missing ?any modifications required?




Honored Contributor III
Honored Contributor III

@Arka i believe active status should be one 

   "activeStatus": ["1"] this 

What is the status mapping in workday?

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New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi @NM ,

Status is mapped to Account_Locked__Disabled_Expired and we have the values as 0 and 1.

we also tried with 1 instead of 0 but no luck.


Honored Contributor III
Honored Contributor III

@Arka can you check the values in workday??

And provide that.

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