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Task is not completing and throwing error

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Team,

USECASE : Earlier we are using ENDDATE attribute for enddate of users and at that time AD and SNOW account are created and working fine but now we change ENDDATE to CUSTOMPROPERTY 39 which it is accepting as string.

After the change i replace enddate with CP39 in Create and Update account of AD and SNOW and when i do the testing it is failing.

am attaching the create account JSON of AD and SNOW below and error also.


AD - Create account json :

"${if((user.employeeType.equals('Contractor'))&(user?.customproperty39!=null)){10000*(user?.customproperty39.getTime()+11644473600000+18400000)} else {'0'}}"

SNOW create account json (rest coonection) : 

\"u_employee_end_date\":\"${if(user.customproperty6='X'){Calendar c=Calendar.getInstance();c.setTime(user.customproperty39);c.add(Calendar.HOUR,6);c.getTime().format(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\")} else {''}}\"

Note : CP39 is stored as string value in user and AD account was provisioned when i given enddate

Error are attched over the post.




@Sreejith  Look it not finding below account in AD, can you check and confirm

CN=Rastogi\, Razak,OU=Users,OU=Batam,OU=APAC,OU=Locations,OU=Location

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