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Hello team, I am trying to read ECP value with API getUserI am getting user details but not ecp value.The body parameters are below{"filtercriteria":{"username":"abcd"},"responsefields":["username","statuskey","firstname","ecp1"]}As per documentation...
Hello All, I am trying to store effective date during SOAP WD import I wrote like below"CUSTOMPROPERTY13": "Worker_Data.Employment_Data.Worker_Job_Data.Position_Data.Effective_Date",But the value is not mapping and in postman response it is like belo...
Hello All,I want to set CP20 to UUID of users which are getting access to specific application, when I am putting query like below, it keeps Updating the CP20 though its one time activity I want to do for each user, of course new user it may need to ...
Hello Team,I want to dynamically assign birthright rules. I went through documentation and found that we can add with ${departmentname} etc, but I have name which I dont want to match like below:MainRole_DeptNO_TitleHere MainRole is name of role whic...
Hi All,I am trying to pass CP value as Date in AD account expires and it is giving error, I am not storing in enddate as I need to set enddate using modify JSON which can be used to check is Updated and trigger termination on last Hour (6 est)Need ex...
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