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Hello,Client has an vendor application that provides graphql API's for integration. Are graphql api's supported using rest connector? If yes, does anyone have sample json for few operations like connection, recon, create, update.Also, please suggest ...
Hi All,We have integrated AZureAD using rest connector for some specific reason.Here, we have reconciled Application Entitlments using the following api "url": "$select=id,appid,displayname,createdDateTim...
Hello Everyone, We are using OOTB AzureAD connector. We have already pulled owners for enetitlment with enttype AADGroup  using the following. But how can we pull owners of Application and ApplicationInstance enttype? Is it supported? "AADGroupOwners...
Hello Everyone,We are trying to read accounts from a rest based cloud app. The application is authenticated via Azure. The token type is bearer.Following is the postman call for loginThe get account api via postman works as follows and retuns recod s...
Hi Team,In rest connector, createaccountjson and updateaccountjson in Prod, we are using the encrypted user custom properties provided by Saviynt by default, to store confidential phone numbers.For around 50 k accounts these are processed correctly w...
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‎06/27/2024 08:23 AM