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Hi All, We are doing group owner ( getting the owner information for each group) recon, however, I wanted to check if there is a way I can assign the owner as a primary certifier as part of recon?
Hi All,We have a request which shows partially approved, in Request History screen.However, in the next screen one of the entitlements is shown as partially rejected and request shows escalated. See screenshots for reference and the approvers cant ap...
Hi All,I have a requirement to get the list of users with active ad accounts and access to specific entitlements. I used the below query and It seems to work, however, when I goto entitlement and accounts and export from there, the number doesnt matc...
Hi All,Is there a way to delete the application which is onbaorded using AOB?I created one as part of POC and don't need it anymore as it may cause confusion.Let me know Thanks  
Hi All,I heard in latest version of Saviynt (Version 24.5), there is a feature to manually disable (tickbox or something )a user inside Saviynt. However I dont see it in any of the attributes. Anyone aware of a OOTB feature like that? Regards,-Mukul 
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‎08/29/2024 11:39 PM