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Manual Disable - Is there any tickbox or button like that

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi All,

I heard in latest version of Saviynt (Version 24.5), there is a feature to manually disable (tickbox or something )a user inside Saviynt. However I dont see it in any of the attributes.


Anyone aware of a OOTB feature like that?






New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I just realised its called "One Click Disable" Inside Saviynt under "User Management". Wondering does it also creates the disable account tasks or still needs an update rule to disable accounts.



Hi @Mukul ,

Yes, it should be One Click Disable feature, but this is not new feature, it’s way old (may be from 4.xv).

The default functionality is off-boarding the user (status - Inactive) and  create remove accounts/access tasks. 
Disable accounts is like temporary disable,which is not generated by One Click Disable. This would generate remove account tasks!

Reference document -


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You need to configure user update rule.

Rushikesh Vartak
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thanks. Also wanted to check what will happen in a scenario when user is "One click disabled" from security team but HR still sends an "Active" feed for the same user. How to avoid user being activated while HR has still "active"?


  • You can create report for such user. 
  • To handle such cases. we are using update user form and flag on user's property.
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  • rushikeshvartak_1-1718253007250.png


Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Hey Rushikesh,

what is update user form? Sorry not able to make 100% sense of what you mentioned above



Hi Rushikesh and @PremMahadikar 

I understand in your solution above, you will expose the enable capability to the admins. What I am trying to understand is how you avoid HR data to enable user after next recon?


Scenario is :

1. Security team did "One Click Disable" and HR doesnt know it yet.

2. Next run, Since  user is active in HR, it will send saviynt active status and future end date. Saviynt will enable this user

3. We want this user not to be enabled as it is still undergoing disable from security team


  • There are 2 solution to problem statement
    • Use user update form instead of One click disable which will set user's property to Enable/Disable.
    • In case HR sends status as active based on flag user update rule will again make user as inactive.
  • Option 2
    • Create analytics report and send communication to HR Team after user has been disabled.
    • This can be also done using user update rule.
  • Option 3:
    • During User import process use Preprocessor to not process any user if user has been disabled from Saviynt 

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.


@Mukul ,

One Click Disable - will generate remove account task and user status will be changed to inactive. This is current product behaviour.

To achieve other than the above - you need to use - Update User Request with dynamic attributes. Save the value of the dynamic attribute and trigger the update user rule for disable or remove accounts/access.


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@Mukul ,

Update User Request (Home > User Management > Update user request) here is Update User Form.

  • In this form, you create dynamic attributes to display. ( This is configured under Global Configuration > Identity lifecycle > Registor user form)
  • Inside dynamic attribute, you can save the value in user table ( which is configured inside DA > User Column)