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I have some Account customproperty values that shows as "Grouped":What does "Grouped" mean?How do I get the actual value(s) of the CP?How do I change the value to single value if Grouped means multiple values? 
Some of our scheduled account and access recon jobs has been running without any issues for a long period of time. The two jobs recently (from 31st May) started at unscheduled times and for the last couple of days have stopped executing. Last executi...
When creating a request to Delete an application account via the createrequest endpoint, with requesttype as "DELETE", the api call fails with "User is not found" when the associated User exists and is in a Disabled state.Our requirement/use case is ...
For an full access recon job, the following error is encountered:entitlementThresholdValue limit exceeded. No changes has been imported from Recon.I cannot find any reference to "entitlementThresholdValue" in product documentation.Any ideas where thi...
Is offset paging supported in the acctEntParams configuration or is there an issue with the paging config?I have a REST connector configured with the below paging config. During recon task execution the logs show that the "SecurityUserRoles" endpoint...
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‎07/04/2024 02:52 AM