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Hello,This query relates to one of the timebound role.The timebound role was submitted with start and end dates. When the end date reaches the remove access task is triggered, but twice. (i.e. multiple remove access task is triggered)One completes an...
A role has to be made non-requestable; I'm trying to achieve by making the Requestable value as False in the UI.After changing it to False and clicking on submit button an error pops up (error screenshot attached).Let me know if anyone has come acros...
Hello,User is able to select the application in the ARS page, but not been able to select the group on step 2.The form doesn't load, and the next option is greyed out in step 2.We don't see any errors in the logs, when the same application is selecte...
The analytics query that runs to determine the users list configured as a sql query under V2 analytics started failing last week, and when the report is triggered, we see it loading for a longer time and the end shows up a dialogue bog, with only the...
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‎12/12/2023 11:22 AM