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Hello Experts,Can you please help me to understand, how many times the ADDITIONALTABLES gets executed during a single import job. Does it executes again and again per record?In case any customProperty is getting updated and if we are having same cust...
Hi,We have an email template to notify the owners about all the organization related attributes update.using ${customerhistory.<attrib_name>}, I am able to retrieve the current value.Now having this solves are concern to display org name and other at...
We got a few queries regarding implementation for different SAP applications from our customer:Does Saviynt support integration with SAP BTP application?Does Saviynt support firefighter ids/accesses for SAP cloud based applications (e.g. SAP Analytic...
Hi Experts,We are working on leaver scenario for the users onboarded via invitation.So the user end date is pre set with the status as Active, now when the end date is reached, status is not getting updated because there is no trusted source import h...
Hi Experts,We are trying to trigger an email from the user update rule to notify the user's organization owner about the update. Can you please suggest what all binding variables are available for this case.We have successfully tested ${user?.custome...
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