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Hi I'm trying to import accounts from CyberArk from this URL: https://abc123/PasswordVault/api/Accounts?offset=0&limit=1000I'm using below paginations:paginations #1"pagination": {"offset": {"offsetParam": "offset","batchParam": "limit","batchSize": ...
Hi! We've been trying to configure an endpoint for User to be able to Enable or Disable their own account via ARS. Based in the documentation below, it is feasible for both self-service and request for others.However, this feature seems to be not wor...
Is there a way to automate assigning violated entitlements in SOD when the AD groups got created and imported in Saviynt?
Hi ! Does anyone know what is the possible root cause of Dead Jobs? Or those job that keeps on running? TIA!
Is there any way that in a Workflow, if a user requested for AppEntRead while the account is already added to AppEntDelete the request will be rejected?ORWhen the user requested for both entitlements, request will be rejected.The two entitlements has...
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‎08/30/2024 07:21 PM