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Enable & Disable Request via ARS (Self-Service)

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi! We've been trying to configure an endpoint for User to be able to Enable or Disable their own account via ARS. Based in the documentation below, it is feasible for both self-service and request for others.

However, this feature seems to be not working for self-service while request for others is working. We configured below and the LOCKEDSTATUS field with 'Unlocked'/'Locked'. Is there something that we missed? TIA!


Allow users to manage their or others account state and status

You can allow users to request for enabling their or others disabled accounts, disable an active account, and lock or unlock the account. For example, you want to allow users to request for temporarily locking their account access during their time-off from office.

Select the actions (Enable, disable, Lock, and Unlock) in the State and Status Fields configuration in the Endpoint Details tab. This way the users will be able to view those options on the Manage My Access page and request for the same or use the Request Access for Others page to request for others. For more information on this configuration, see Viewing or Updating Endpoints.


Ensure the Show Inactive Accounts in ARS parameter is enabled in the Request global configuration to display the Enable option for inactive accounts. For more information, see Configuring Requests.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @jezzanuena 

Add select enable and disable in state and status field in endpoint.

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi @NM Thank you for checking in on this. That configuration among other requirements were done but still no luck.

Account LockedStatus is key parameter on account table

Rushikesh Vartak
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Did you populated account locked status column in accounts table ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak , Yes. Locked State column were set where in if the status is Active Locked State is 'Unlocked' otherwise, 'Locked'.

Which connector is used?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi @NM and @rushikeshvartak 

1. This is the screen capture for Self-Service:


2. Here is the screen capture when Request Access for Others:



In modern UI - enable 😕 disable is not available this is known limitations. 

User need to perform enable / disable from request for others 


workaround - use NEO request form

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak what is NEO request form? How to configure that?

Under Global Configuration, select Preference Enable below 




Rushikesh Vartak
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