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Username is getting overwritten

New Contributor II
New Contributor II


In the Global Configuration > Identity Life Cycle > Register User Form, we have added an attribute called username and value is mentioned as a sql to generate the username. This logic is working fine from the user management > create request and the user is getting created with the username generated but the same logic is even getting executed from Identity Repository > Users > Action > Create User as well. The user name entered here is overwritten by the logic we have in Register User Form. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?



Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @skaliyandil 

Could you please share full screenshot of the configuration for username attribute from register username and also please share screenshots for one user from the Admin->identity repository-create user.


Dhruv Sharma

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Please find the screenshots attached.

- Satish

Hi @skaliyandil 

1. Could you please check and confirm if there is any rule in the Global config->Register user rule?



2. Could you please check and confirm if the username attribute in register user form is mapped to any attribute in user column. Please map it to either username field or a custom property of the user table and see what is the impact? 

3. Have you selected "Duplicate Not allowed" in the username attribute in register user form? Please select and see the behavior.

3. Also, can you please elaborate why is the username used in the where clause of the query when username is being generated by the query itself. Could you please try with a simple query and see if the same behavior is observed. 


Dhruv Sharma