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getDBdata brings only 500 records , is there a way we can provide offset and limit to this function

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hello Team,

url: "${request.contextPath}/customize/getdbdata

by default above getdbdata brings only first 500 records, I want getdb data to bring all the records that present on DB, 
for example my analytic query is returning 1200 records but get DB data giving only 500 records, is there a way i can tell Saviynt to bring all the 1200 records?? instead of 500 Records??

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  • Use pagination

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor
New Contributor

do you have any sample how pagination can be done?? 
I am creating my own table and to show the data in the table I am using getDbData, now my table showing only 500 records,

Any one implemented similar usecase ?? appreciate if someone provides any sample

  • getDBdata  is this saviynt API or custom API
  • Does application support pagination ? Share postman screenshot

Rushikesh Vartak
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not a custom API, we are using saviynt getDBdata API in the gsp page and which is fetching first 500 records, so we want to build a UI where each time on click of next page our programme should fetch next 500 records and with pagination.

  • Can you confirm where this change is needed gsp / connector ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Which gsp. Please attach file 

Rushikesh Vartak
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