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Want to automatically create an Entitlement Value Campaign through Analytics

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

I want to create a Certification from an Analytics action.
This is to ask the Owner if the AD Groups I create in Saviynt are still needed one year after the creation date.

Here are the steps I just tried:
① Create the Analytics created by the following SQL query

SELECT ev.entitlement_value, ev.entitlement_valuekey AS 'entvaluekey', ev.updatedate AS 'group_updatedate', e.endpointname, ec.externalconnectionkey AS 'externalConnectionKey', 'createentitlementvaluecertification' as Default_Action_For_Analytics FROM entitlement_values ev JOIN entitlement_types et ON et.entitlementtypekey = ev.entitlementtypekey JOIN endpoints e ON e.endpointkey = et.endpointkey JOIN securitysystems s ON s.systemkey = e.securitysystemkey JOIN externalconnection ec ON ec.externalconnectionkey = s.externalconnection WHERE DATEDIFF(sysdate(),ev.updatedate) = 365

② Run Analytics ① on RunAllAnalyticsJob
③ Check if Entitlement Owner Campaign has been created

But now, when I look at the History of Analytics after the Job in (2), the Action is still Open.
I assume that the Create Entitlement Value Campaign specified in the Default Action will be automatically executed by the Job.

So I manually changed the Action to Create Entitlement Value Campaign, but the Campaign was still not created.

Can you give me some advice on why the Campaign is not created?





Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @JohnDoe ,

We are checking this internally and will get back to you.


Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

I need the answer by next Tuesday, so I would appreciate it if you could answer as soon as possible.

We have already reached out to Product team on this last week. There is no ETA as of now.


Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Please continue to investigate.



In v23.6 same behaviour 

Rushikesh Vartak
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