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User Create and Update Workflows attributes and variables debugging

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Is there a way to check all the available attributes / variables in scope of the workflow along with their values when working with workflows?

That will make workflow development and debugging much easier. So we know what attributes we can use in the if-else conditions and in the custom assignment queries.

The workflow documentation is good but doesn't have a comprehensive list of attributes available.

Also apparently dynamic attributes can only be used if mapped to some custom properties of the user / account getting created / updated. But what if we want to access dynamic attributes which are not mapped to any attribute/customproperty ? (We cannot have mapped dynamic attributes pull default values on the update user form as the value stored on profile is given preference, problems if we map, problems when we dont.)


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee


On the Workflow editor, click on 'Help' on the top . It will give you a list of available variables and examples :



Sahaj Ranajee
Sr. Product Specialist


All Workflow Attributes available under 

Admin - > Workflow -> Workflow List 




2. If you dont want to store Dynamic attribute value in Account's Customproperty

  • Make Dynamic attribute hidden on create & update 
  • Enable Global Config to use hidden dynamic Attributes in workflow (under Misc)
  • rushikeshvartak_1-1653584546980.png


Rushikesh Vartak
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