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Unable to view pending attestation for the Manager in Saviynt UI - Saviynt v5.5SP3

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Team,

Our Saviynt version is 5.5 SP3.

We have launched a Manager certification campaign through Saviynt UI.
If I login to Saviynt UI as Admin user I can list all campaings and see the progress.

However if I login as a manager user I can't see any pending list of attestations on UI.
API still returns the list of certifications for the manager as expected. But UI does not show this.

IS there a way to configure notifications so that manager receives a notification mail when an attestation is assigned and he can navigate to SAviynt UI to view his pending items?



  • Does manager is certifier? if yes did you configured email template?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Yes Manager is a certifier. I can see certification assigned to that manager when logged in as Admin on Saviynt UI.
Email template is not configured . But manager should still see the pending attestations on Saviynt UI ?


  • Yes manager can still attestations  on UI if required Sav roles are provided.

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

After configuring email template manager is getting a notification for completing the access review.
However certification not visible on SAviynt UI

Can you please provide the info required for creating a SAV_ROLE with the correct access privileges to enable manager to complete access review.

Note that we are on version 5.5 SP3 for which I couldn't see much references on creating the apt SAV_ROLE for this purpose.


  • I don't have instance but you can add webservice url related to access review and validate

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I have added those but what I see is a view similar to Admin console which list all campaigns that includes campaigns not assigned to that manager.

What we are looking for is a view which enables manager to complete only those reviews assigned to him

You can launch new campaign and validate

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We have tried that too. Unfortunately that is not working as expected.
Can you specifically list the access to be mentioned in SAV Role for this purpose please

Please check with support team as I have EIC instance only

Rushikesh Vartak
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