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User Account Correaltion || Company Merger Scenario


Hello Team,

I need a solution around below use case for company merger scenario.

Company 1 :

User 1 Details:  

Emp ID : 7001

FIrst Name : ABC

Last Name : DEF

CP1 (This will store Company Name): C1

User 2 Details :

Emp ID : 7002

FIrst Name : GHI

Last Name : JKL

CP1 (This will store Company Name): C1


Company 2 :

User 1 Details:  

Emp ID : 7001

FIrst Name : MNO

Last Name : PQR

CP1 (This will store Company Name): C2

User 2 Details :

Emp ID : 7002

FIrst Name : STU

Last Name : VWP

CP1 (This will store Company Name): C2

The above 2 company has different HR source and they have common EMP ID.

Now I have to onboard these users into Saviynt.

For HR source, I have decided to append the company name for username so that i have a unique identifier.


Company 1 - User 1 - Saviynt Username : C17001

Company 2 - User 1 - - Saviynt Username : C27001

Now i have 1 target system each for a specific company say SAP1 for company 1 and SAP2 for company 2.

Assistance Required :

1. I need a way to reconcile and link the user from Company 1 from SAP 1 on the basis on EMP ID available in Saviynt. and similalry for the user from Company 2 from SAP 2 on the basis on EMP ID available in Saviynt

Is there a way i can put up a user account correaltion condition such that :

EMPID for user 1 in SAP 1 = (Saviynt User1 EMPID and  Saviynt User1 CP1 = C1)

EMPID for user 1 in SAP 2 = (Saviynt User1 EMPID and  Saviynt User1 CP1 = C2)

Please assist.



Manish Kumar
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