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Unable to Import Child Entitlement through REST Connector

New Contributor III
New Contributor III



We have a requirement to import 2 entitlement types and their entitlements through the REST connector:

  1. Organisation Type (Parent Entitlement Type)
  2. Organisation (Child Entitlement Type)

I am able to import entitlements from both entitlement types but the parent-child mapping is not getting populated. I am fetching Organisation and Organisation Type entitlements from multiple endpoints. The mapping between Organisation and Organisation Type is present in the Organisation API itself which I use for importing the Organisation entitlements. There is no separate API for the parent-child entitlement mapping.

Please find below some of the configurations that I've done as of now:




"entMappingParams": {
		"processingType": "SequentialAndIterative",
		"entTypes": {
			"OrganisationType": {
				"ent1KeyField": "entitlementID",
				"call": {
                    "call1": {
                        "connection": "acctAuth",
                        "callOrder": 0,
                        "stageNumber": 0,
                        "http": {
                            "httpHeaders": {
                                "Accept": "application/json",
								"x-api-key": "xxxxxxx"
							"url": "API Endpoint 1",
                            "httpContentType": "application/json",
                            "httpMethod": "GET"
                        "listField": "results",
                        "ent1IdPath": "organisationType_id",
                        "ent2IdPath": "id",
                        "ent2KeyField": "entitlementID",
                        "targetEntType": "Organisation",
                        "mappingTypes": ["ENT2"]
					"call2": {
                        "connection": "acctAuth",
                        "callOrder": 1,
                        "stageNumber": 0,
                        "http": {
                            "httpHeaders": {
                                "Accept": "application/json",
								"x-api-key": "xxxxxx"
							"url": "API Endpoint 2",
                            "httpContentType": "application/json",
                            "httpMethod": "GET"
                        "listField": "results",
                        "ent1IdPath": "organisationType_id",
                        "ent2IdPath": "id",
                        "ent2KeyField": "entitlementID",
                        "targetEntType": "Organisation",
                        "mappingTypes": ["ENT2"]



 Organisation Type Sample API Response:



    "previous": null,
    "next": null,
    "count": 2,
    "results": [
            "id": "brwbwvwvw",
            "codeSet": "organisationType",
            "code": "OrgType1"
            "id": "afawewqvq",
            "codeSet": "organisationType",
            "code": "OrgType2"



 Organisation Sample API Response:



    "previous": null,
    "next": null,
    "count": 3,
    "results": [
            "id": "vwrbwfbwf",
            "codeSet": "organisation",
            "code": "Org1",
            "organisationType": "OrgType1",
            "organisationType_id": "brwbwvwvw"
            "id": "abjteggw",
            "codeSet": "organisation",
            "code": "Org2",
            "organisationType": "OrgType2",
            "organisationType_id": "afawewqvq"
            "id": "hrwwvqqv",
            "codeSet": "organisation",
            "code": "Org3",
            "organisationType": "OrgType1",
            "organisationType_id": "brwbwvwvw"



Please let me know if I am missing something which can help me import this parent-child entitlements mapping. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks & Regards,




Thank you for sharing @rushikeshvartak ! I had gone through these articles earlier, but somehow it didn't work for me.

Could you kindly provide a detailed snapshot of the information extracted from the logs, encompassing errors and other pertinent functionality details encountered during the execution of this process? Your assistance in furnishing this information would greatly aid in the analysis and resolution of any issues .

‼️‼️⚠️Do not upload any attachments that contain sensitive information, such as IP Addresses, URLs, Company/Employee Names, Email Addresses, etc.⚠️‼️‼️

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Hi @rushikeshvartak ,


Please find attached the logs from the time when I ran the entitlements import job. Connection name renamed to "OrganisationDataImport", Endpoint name renamed to "Organisations Data".

I couldn't find any error specific to the import or entitlement hierarchy mapping. Please do let me know if you find something, or if you'd like me to try something else.


Thanks & Regards,


Remove deleteAccEntForActiveAccounts"" : true"

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi @rushikeshvartak,

I removed "deleteAccEntForActiveAccounts" from STATUS_THRESHOLD_CONFIG but still no luck 😞

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Also just another point, may or may not make a difference, but in this endpoint we only want to import entitlements, not accounts

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Any idea what might be the issue?