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Transport Packages - Transfer Environment

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Hi all,

I have two separate environments: A& B 

I'm trying to export a package from Environment A to Environment B using the transfer directly function.

I've been following the steps to configure a target environment laid out in this guide: Chapter06-EIC-Configurations/Additional-Configurations

I have configured the following:

  • In Environment A,  a user with the sav role ROLE_ADMIN and a set of valid credentials
  • In Environment B, a transport environment targeting Environment A's URL​

When I try to export a package from Environment B and chose Environment A as the target environment. I get the below error:


I've checked the logs and there is no further information about the error. I also tried changing the URL to

But this has made no difference either.

Can I get some assistance with this please?

[This post has been edited by a Moderator to break the example links.]



Can you share logs. Does B environment is credentials based and not sso enabled ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak ,

Both environments are SSO-enabled. I made the user in Environment A to work as an API user with LocalAuthEnabled = 1


@AliW my assumption is the user used may not have been setup successfully.

Refer this post for setting up the user and reqd permission :

Solved: Creating API Service User while SSO is enabled - Saviynt Forums - 61877

Manish Kumar
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Hi @Manu269 ,

I think that I've configured the user correctly to be an API user because I can make an API call to  ECM/api/login successfully and get the bearer token

Share screenshot of both environment showing localauth enabled 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak ,

Are you suggesting that there's a configuration option localauthenabled set at the environment level? Where can I find this?

As far as I am aware, I thought that localauthenabled is set at the user level, which is what I have at the moment. We also have SSO-enabled on both environments.


show from data analyzer that user is local auth enabled 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak ,

The localAuthEnabled column is hidden in the users table as far as I can see but I can confirm that the user has localAuthEnabled via postman.


Also to confirm: I can indeed authenticate using its credentials via the API:



Please validate environment name and URL in global configs



Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak 

I've tried the following:


I've also tried using as per the steps in the documentation and it is also unsuccessful.




Does reverse working such environment B to A

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor

Hi @rushikeshvartak,

The reverse does not work.

Could you provide the exact steps and guidelines to get this working please? I have already followed the steps in the documentation but it does not seem complete.

Just tested its working change url to




Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor

Hi @rushikeshvartak ,

Thanks - adding /ECM seems to be doing something.

I've been doing some testing and tried transferring packages between two environments in both directions.

I successfully transferred a package from Environment A to Environment B but I could not get it working from Environment B to A. We've had Environment A whitelisted with a set of IP ranges whereas Environment B has yet to be.

It seems like different environments may not be automatically whitelisted with each other. Is this already known?

This is n/w related concern you can raise support ticket. for me its working both ways.

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Rushikesh Vartak
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Is this resolved ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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