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The account status in Saviynt display as "Manually Provisioned" or "Manually suspended" for WinPS


We're currently leveraging a WinPS connector to provision Exchange mailboxes via a PowerShell script hosted on an IIS server. The connector communicates with the Windows server using SaviyntApp. While the provisioning and de-provisioning processes work seamlessly, we've noticed that the account status in Saviynt remains as "Manually Provisioned" or "Manually suspended". (Refer the attached screen)

As WinPS Connector does not support import, keeping the account status as "Manually Provisioned" or "Manually suspended" will it going to impact any scenario like provisioning, auditing or attestation etc.Additionally, I do not see the use case for reflecting the Exchange mailbox account status since there is no corresponding entitlement and it is not visible on the ARS Page.

Could someone confirm if my understanding is accurate, or if there are any overlooked scenarios where the mailbox account status being "Manually Provisioned" or "Manually Suspended" could have an impact? Any guidance or insights would be appreciated.   




  • There is no impact of this status as import is not performed 

Rushikesh Vartak
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