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SFTP Connection failing with 'Algorithm negotiation fail' error

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi Team,

  1. Connection Type Established: The SFTP connection type has been configured as specified in the provided documentation.{ }
  2. The connection has been established using the correct SFTP version as required. SPAL_0-1714475903428.png
  3. Credentials have been validated.SPAL_1-1714475987619.png


  4. Connection Issue: Despite the correct settings, the connection was unsuccessful.SPAL_2-1714476227178.png


    The following error was encountered:

"connectorms","c.s.s.s.service.SFTPAuthService","http-nio-8980-exec-4-hzdm5","DEBUG","Exception in testConnection : |com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail| at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.receive_kexinit( ~[na:na]| at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect( ~[na:na]| at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect( ~[na:na]| at com.saviynt.ssm.sftpconnector.service.SFTPAuthService.testConnection( ~[na:na]| at com.saviynt.ssm.sftpconnector.SFTPConnector.test( ~[na:na]| at com.saviynt.ssm.connectorms.controller.FileTransferController.test( ~[classes!/:2021.1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]| "

Note: This seems to be a generic error with the research that we have done. Just need to know if we need to do any additional config from Saviynt to resolve this issue, if not, what should we do?






try restarting server

Rushikesh Vartak
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Not working. Same issue.

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @yatishtiwari @SPAL 

Did this issue resolved, we are facing same issue. Could you provide your insights on this.

Thank you.

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi Krishna,

Our customer was using MoveIt cloud and the algorithms supported by MoveIt cloud not supported by Saviynt. Basically Saviynt uses older JSCH library. So cutomer has to purchase on-prem WS_FTP server and now connectivity is resolved.

If your customer is already in on-prem solution,  check with them if they can enable the algorithms supported by Saviynt, else check with cloud SFTP vendor.

Hope it helps. 

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Thanks a lot @yatishtiwari . The provided info helps.