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Setting account type

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II


What is the correct/best practice way of setting the account type on accounts that are imported in? I am looking for the SAP endpoint, but irrespective of the endpoint type, how would you manipulate the accounttype such that it doesn't get overwritten with the next import? 

Thank you



In case of SAP , code by default map A/B/S/L 

Account Type is saviynt attribute unless it is mapped in import configuration from target so it will not be overritten.

You can import account type using account import sheet if information not present in target one time

Option 1 - Perform account import on Saviynt for Saviynt DB connection to update the account type for AD application for the accounts starts with 's-' (hope this is the naming convention for the service accounts)

Option 2 - Perform account import on Saviynt REST connection to update the account type for AD application for the accounts starts with 's-' (hope this is the naming convention for the service accounts) --> Saviynt Recommended 

Rushikesh Vartak
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