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SchemaAccountJob with multiple entitlement_type

New Contributor
New Contributor


I'm trying to import account using SchemaAccountJob and it's pretty well working. I just have one problem, on my use case I have 3 entitlements type in my .sav file


And on my csv file (that I get from a feed) I have one of them chose and the entitlement_value associated:


Problem is that the account is well created, set to active, etc, but without any entitlement_type and value.

Can you please tell me if there is a way to do it like this or if I need one column per entitlement on the sav file and let them blank in the csv if not used (already tested and working but cause me a problem because I need to contact the application editor to modify the feed he is sending and it is not easy)?



Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

The entitlement_types have to be comma separated values in your sav file and csv file and they should be blank values if not used in csv. 

If it is easier for you to make 3 csv files that could be another option. Then it would just contain one entitlement type.