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Savroles API in 23.0 version returns Html response in postman

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


When I tried to fetch the details of savroles in post man.  I am getting html as response instead of proper response.

can anyone please let me know. am I missing some thing else is it a same for everyone.






Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Thank you for contacting the Saviynt forums.

Regarding your concern, may I kindly ask if you are experiencing issues with fetching the details of "savroles" only, or if this issue pertains to other APIs as well? Please let us know so we can assist you accordingly.

One suggestion to resolve the issue you are experiencing with accessing the API, we suggest that you utilize a custom query job to update the particular user(username) being used to access the API to LOCALAUTHENABLED status 1. Please execute the following query to implement the solution:

"update user set LOCALAUTHENABLED =1 where username = '';

If you require any further assistance or have any additional questions, please let us know.

attaching a document link for  your reference 

Thank you for the response. I executed this query in Custom. query job. unluckily, I got the same issue again. then I change the URL pattern like below,


now, other API are fine. but Savroles related API are throwing 403 forbidden exception. I have also checked in Webservice access in Savroles tab in UI access are there, still I 'm facing this issue.




Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Thank you for providing an update on the issue you are experiencing.We are checking internally and will provide you an update on this.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

You will need to check all api permissions are assigned to the SAV role of this user. 

To check or assign these permissions, you can navigate to Admin>SAV Roles.

Under the selected Role, navigate to Web Service Access and check or add the api permission.


Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II


We are facing same issue and yes above mentioned permission are assigned as well. But still its not giving a proper response.

Please help us to know what needs to be done to fix it.
