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Saviynt for saviynt CREATEACCOUNTJSON

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hey folks,

quick question,  For Connection Saviynt for Saviynt, how and when the CreateAccountJson is triggered?





CreateAccountJSON will be used for account creation

Accounts will be created in below cases

  • End user account - in case account job is not scheduled or account job (saviynt to saviynt )is ran before raising request then account will be created 
  • Service Account - Suppose you want to create service account in that case 

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III


Is not clear for me the first point, still learning....  We didnt have job that trigger saviynt account creation. We have a job that execute the userImport from SaviyntToSaviynt connection like showned below, but it won'T trigger the createAccountJson



Yes thats true job will trigger Accounts Import XML.

Create Account JSON is triggered only when user request from ARS Request form or via Update rule etc

Rushikesh Vartak
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@rushikeshvartak The security system is not requestable, and nothing in theTechnicalRule or User Update Rule about saviyntForSaviynt system. But sometime it get trigger. Trying to understand where.  Will try to debug

Can you let me know task type, task source when it got created 

How to find ?

  1. select,t.TASKKEY, t.tasktype,t.source from arstasks t,accounts a where a.ARSTASKKEY = t.TASKKEY and'ACCOUNTNAME'

Rushikesh Vartak
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Tried to replace the account name by one who have the saviynt for saviynt account and receive no data found in the Data Analyzer

can you check job id of account(accounts table) & source from where account is created

Rushikesh Vartak
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I found the jobId but what did you mean by "source". didnt find field or table containing that name

Please query on ecmimportjob to check source of job . 

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

select e.* from accounts a join ecmimportjob e on e.jobid = a.jobid where a.jobid=67006 and accountid like '%traore%'

So it tell is the  job SaviyntForSaviyntAccountsImportJobTrigger that trigger it. But there is no scheduled on the job, so something else might trigger it 

New Contributor III
New Contributor III



Job id is last imported job id from target. hence it wont be useful to find source of account creation

  • please find logs when account got create
  • check request for account
  • check tasks for account

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III
  • I did a search in logs between the start and end date of the job (result from previous query) an there is no result
  • The application/securitySystem is not requestable
  • There is no completed task for securitysystem saviyntForSaviynt


Could you elaborate a bit more on your use case ? Are you sayig that Saviynt is generating a createAccount task for SaviyntForSaviynt connections when you do not have any configurations done for it ?



Avinash Chhetri

No, we have a DB connection  set and this into the createAccountJson : 

{"createAccountQry":["Insert into accounts(accountID,name,created_on,creator,endpointkey,orphan,status,systemid,updatedate) VALUES ('','${user.username}',utc_timestamp(),'System Generated',${},0,'1',${},utc_timestamp());"]}

Some of your User get it created, and dome dont have it. So I was asking to find out when and where the account is created :S


There must be some technical rule that triggers to create an account if they are being done via rules. Perhaps you can check the rules to see if there is any. There are other ways to create account, via ARS, API etc.

Try the query below in your data Analyzer and see if there has been any create account tasks created for the endpoint.

Select ars.TASKKEY,ars.ACCOUNTNAME,ars.ASSIGNEDFROMROLES,ASSIGNEDFROMRULE,ars.status as 'Task Status' from arstasks ars
join endpoints ep on ep.ENDPOINTKEY=ars.ENDPOINT
where ars.TASKTYPE=3 and ep.ENDPOINTNAME='SaviyntForSaviynt'



Avinash Chhetri

My impression... the creation account is call via API.

@avinashchhetri when I try you query, it return "No Data Found."


So there is no create account task created for your endpoint which means the CreateAccountJson never got triggered.



Avinash Chhetri

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@avinashchhetri @rushikeshvartak 

Ok. Trying to understand then why some user have that account, and suppose to have it. (The phase one of configuration has been made by consultant so that's why I'm trying to understand how it has been created)


If reconciliation has been scheduled, that may have created the accounts. When SaviyntForSaviynt is turned ON, these JSON's are auto populated based on the configurations selected. However that doesn't necessarily mean that the functonality is used, which is what it seems in your case for Create Accounts.



Avinash Chhetri

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Is the reconciliation job is the folowing? If yes then has you can see they are not scheduled. Also my latest created user have the account created. 



Your latest created users have account created ?

How did you ceate the users, from UI ? And upon doing so, they automatically got the SaviyntForSaviynt account ?



Avinash Chhetri

User is created by a job (User Import via a connection(UserImportJob). connection attached is our HR system. So when a user get created in HR, each day the job trigger at 9:00AM (UTC) to import them in saviynt

  • Does WSRetry scheduled ?
  • Can you check all tasks created for Saviynt4Saviynt Endpoint

Rushikesh Vartak
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  • No wsRetry for endpoint SaviyntForSaviynt
  • No task created (nothing in pending or completed task for that security system)

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Something must trigger SaviyntForSaviyntAccountsFullImportJobTrigger. I made a test on dev environment, I took someone who didnt have the Saviynt4Saviynt account. Then I ran that job manually, nothing appears for lastrun and status but when I go on that user, he have now the account. Also in completed task there is nothing.

So from my comprehension, something trigger it somehow


Based on what you have described, the users are getting assigned account upon the SaviyntForSaviynt Import Job and hence there is no task created.

Please check for the ecm-worker logs when you run the Import and see if you can see INSERT commands when the Import identifies the need for a new account to be created in the endpoint.

It also seems that there is some issues with the Job and thats why it is not showing the last run value, Perhaps you can manually create a Job in Dev and see if that helps.



Avinash Chhetri


I tried what you mention and there I can see the insert with the new job creation. So there is something wrong, maybe a bug for the existing one because is not showing in logs

The original job, is it created by default when Enable saviyntForSaviynt is checked? Or it need to be created manually? If it was created by default, maybe there is a bug into it and I should raise a support ticket direct to saviynt

Yes Jobs comes with pre-package but you need to schedule 



Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Ok but still, it dosen't show the history, either I ran it manually, so I'll raise a ticket for that.

Now, I need to identify what is triggering it. 

Yes same with my end its running but not capturing history seems issue. You can create new job

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III


Yeah you are probably right that is came from the import job. just I don't know how the job is runned. It didnt have scheduler on it

There is issue in history getting stored for that particular job same with me. raise ticket with saviynt operations to debug further

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@rushikeshvartak Yeah I've create a ticket for that