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SAV File Preprocessor Query

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi, I am working on the scenario below.

I want customproperty2 to be equal to customproperty1 at the time of initial user creation. However, when users are updated later on I want customproperty2 to remain unchanged, and only customproperty1 should be updated. 

Here are some of the queries below:

"UPDATE NEWUSERDATA N join currentusers U on N.username=U.username set N.customproperty2 = N.customproperty1 when U.customproperty2 = '' else U.customproperty2 end"
"UPDATE NEWUSERDATA N join currentusers U on N.username=U.username IF U.customproperty2 = '' THEN set N.customproperty2=N.customproperty1 ELSE set N.customproperty2=U.customproperty2 END IF"
Any tips on query or syntax errors?

New Contributor II
New Contributor II
I got it to work
"UPDATE NEWUSERDATA N join currentusers U on N.username=U.username set N.customproperty2 = N.customproperty1 where U.customproperty2 is null", "UPDATE NEWUSERDATA N join currentusers U on N.username=U.username set N.customproperty2 = U.customproperty2 where U.customproperty2 is not null"